. EPAnEK 2014-2020
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The enterprise PANTELIS PROVIAS LTD based in THESSALY region, has joined the Action “Strengthening SME Tourism for modernizing and improving the quality of their services” with a total budget of 110 million €. The Action aims at supporting very small, small and medium sized tourism enterprises, in order to enhance their competitiveness in the Greek and international tourism market.
The investment’s total budget is 115.865,39 € out of which 46.346,16 € is public expenditure.
The Action is co-financed by Greece and the European Union – European Regional Development Fund.
The approved subsidised Business Plan includes investments on the following categories:
Buildings, other facilities and surrounding area
Machinery, equipment, installations and environmental protection equipment along with energy and water saving equipment
Means of transport
Certification of quality assurance systems and environmental management
Promotion – Participation in exhibitions
Market research and other development studies
Software and digital services
Preparation and monitoring the implementation of the Investment Plan
Labor costs for personnel (current and /or new employees)
Through the participation in the Action, the enterprise achieved:
Competitiveness improvement
Increase of profitability
Reinforcing an extrovert business profile
Market expenditure by adopting new products and services
Creating better quality products and services
Increasing productivity and improvement of operational procedures
Reinforcing entrepreneurship
Creating / maintaining job positions
The support of EPAnEK proved beneficial, not only for the enterprise but for the competitiveness of the national as well as the local economy.